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Ethos has had Museums exhibits and is in important private Collections.
His Murals are the World over.


Ethos was Born in Sao Paulo in 1982 and Lives and works there. He began Spray painting at the age of 15 as well as ballpoint pen, which to this day serves as his primary tool. Traits that tell lives, feelings, reflections.

The art of Ethos presents the social reality of our country. Figures that bring us closer to the experience of urban centers, transforming conceptions and generating an incredible capacity for questioning.

In addition to instigating the observer, art also gives another face to the city's landscapes. The piece of cold and empty wall turns into canvas in the hands of this artist. Height to it is no problem, daring in all its forms!


No doubt the graffiti of Claudio Ethos impresses. A mixture of surrealism and perceptions. The sober colors intertwined with deep criticism made the art of Ethos an icon in the universe of graffiti. Urban screens that are seen today by everyone; Munich, San Francisco, New York, Colombia and Turkey have already noted its creation.

" Every support and every place to be painted demands a certain interpretation. The situation of "mazela" often reflects what we experience in the post-industrial society and the place of the human being among its equals. "


Urban art that makes the physical space of cities a political field of expression! Paying attention to publicity and other information media. This is the vision of the artist who seeks to give back to the citizen the right to express himself in his space of conviviality.

For Ethos the transformation that art provides is a two-way street, "Art changes with society and society changes with art" . He explains that there are works that provoke an immediate catharsis, a milestone in a certain society, others are built over several years of research, and are often understood later in other social contexts. Essence that can be observed in each representation.

" In my works there is a search for unspeakable atmospheres or sensations not decoded by the human psyche, many of the works are like chambers or rooms where they inhabit aesthetic feelings and sensations that often we can not say or we do not find relative words to describe, just a feeling of identification or repudiation. "


Anyone who wants to get a closer look at the artist 's work can check the demonstration - Mural Cláudio Ethos, at Sesc de Birigui, between March 23rd to April 2nd, with visitation allowed during the opening hours of the unit. The challenge will be to transform the water box of the unit into a space of reflections in the form of art.

Curiosity: But what is the reason for using "ethos" as a stage name? He says that "ethos" is a word of Greek origin, which designates a kind of " status quo " of a civilization, a set of cultural rules and ethics that build the character of a given society. "For me, my individual ethos is my own life dedicated to the prism painting where I see the world."

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